This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #GameForBasketball #CollectiveBias This post is not medical advice.

Basketball piñata and a basket of pretzels.It’s tournament time again! This means that we are gearing up to cheer our favorite basketball teams on to victory. I love being able to get the kids involved with all of our activities, which is why I decided to make a papier-mâché basketball piñata for them to help celebrate.

Plus, it is another activity that I know they would not only love helping to make, but would also love the finished product.

Making a Papier-Mâché Basketball Piñata

Blow up a balloon to the size you want the piñata to be. You will also want to cut some strips of newspaper into approximately two inch strips.

Making the papier-mâché paste is actually really easy. In a large bowl, mix equal parts flour and water (3 cups water and 3 cups flour is what I used). Mix to a thick paste.

Wet papier-mache on balloonDip the strips of newspaper into the paste, making sure that they are well covered. Then smooth the strips over the surface of the balloon. Continue doing this until the entire balloon is covered.

Dried papier mache on balloonYou will then want to let it dry for 48 hours.

Gluing squares of tissue paper onto the papier-mache balloon.After the papier-mâché has completely dried, you will want to add the colored tissue paper. Cut the tissue paper into little squares. Put a small dot of glue onto the back of the tissue paper and glue it onto the balloon. Keep doing this until the balloon is completely covered. Then do the same with some black tissue paper to make the lines on the basketball.

Next, using scissors cut a small slit in the balloon to deflate it. Pull the balloon out.

Finished basketball piñata.Cut two small holes in the sides of the basketball and run a ribbon through them for hanging it. Now all you have to do is fill it with candy and let the kids take turns trying to break it open.

Sometimes, all these activities with the kids can lead to aches and pains the next day. That’s why I always keep a container of Advil on hand. Nothing’s stronger, longer lasting or better on your touch aches and pains than Advil.* (*Among OTC brands). Be sure to ask a doctor before use if you have a history of stomach problems, such as heartburn.

Whether I am enjoying a day on the playground or watching the big game with the kids, I know that with Advil I can enjoy the moment without having to worry about the pain. Plus, without having to worry about pain, I have more time to worry about who is winning the big game!

NexiumAdvilPictureYou can pick up Advil and a variety of other Pfizer products in the pharmacy section at your local Walmart. In addition, Walmart has a variety of food and products which are sure to make your tournament party great.

Be sure to download Pfizer’s coupons for Advil and so you are sure to stay stocked up.

Comment On: What activities do you do with your kids that requires Advil the next day.


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One Comment

  1. Wow, I never realized it was so easy to make a pinata! What a great way to keep the smaller kids entertained while watching the games! #client

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