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YogaPosesCollageSo I just recently left my “real” job in order to focus on blogging. It’s a huge step but one of the things that concerned me the most about not having a regular job was whether I would be getting out of the house and staying active enough. This is why I decided to join a gym.

I love the classes that a gym has to offer — in particular yoga. Doing yoga gives me the opportunity to work on my strength and flexibility while the class itself gets me out of the house and keeps me social.

I am still a beginner, but being able to stretch while feeling my body getting stronger is amazing. What is even better is that even when I don’t have class I can do some of the poses at home.

I wanted to share a few of the poses that I do at home with you. I recruited my sister to give me a hand (because it would be hard to do poses AND take pictures). These are five of my favorites.

Tree Pose

TreePoseThis pose helps to improve concentration as well as balance. It also helps to strengthen the outer hips and arches of the feet.


Triangle PoseThis pose helps to improve flexibility (if you aren’t flexible it may be challenging at first). In addition, it helps to promote balance, as well as stretch the hamstrings and inner thighs.


CobraThis pose is essentially a back bend which stretches muscles in the arms, front of the torso, and shoulders as well as the back. It is ideal for reducing back pain.

Bound Angle

Bound AngleThis is is a pretty easy pose that will give your inner thighs and groin a good stretch. Plus, you can adjust the amount of stretch by moving your heels closer to your body.


SirsasanaThis pose is one that you probably don’t want to start with, but when you get it you will feel pretty badass! The body is completely inverted and held upright by the forearms with your head lightly resting on the ground. It helps strengthen your arms, legs, and vertical column.

For as much as I love doing these poses, it does bring up a potentially embarrassing situation. You see, I’ve had two very large babies which has weakened my pelvic floor muscles, leading to bladder leaks.

ProductsThankfully, there is Poise. The Thin Shape Moderate Absorbency pads are ultra-thin which gives you leak protection without the bulk — 40% less bulk, that is! The pads feature Leak-Block technology to keep leaks under control while the Dry-Touch top layer keeps moisture away from the body.

Another innovative Poise product are the Poise Impressa bladder supports. These are the first over-the-counter products approved by the FDA for use with Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). They are a non-absorbent, removable product designed to lift and give support to the urethera to stop leaks.

To find out which size of the Poise Impressa bladder supports you use, there is a handy sizing kit which comes with supports in Size 1, Size 3, and Size 3. This way, you can determine which size works best for you before purchasing a particular size.

StorePhotoYou can purchase both the Poise Impressa bladder supports as well as the Thin Shape page in the feminine care isle of your local Rite Aid.

Comment On: Which is your favorite yoga pose?

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One Comment

  1. I got to do some yoga on the beach in Hawaii and loved it but I could not remember any of the moves! Thanks for reminding me! (client)

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