This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and Breathe Right® Nasal Strips. All opinions are mine alone. #TomorrowStartsTonight #CollectiveBias

finishedsleepmask_titleGetting a good night’s sleep is something that is important to me. Not only is it essential for good health, but it also allows me to wake up feeling refreshed and energized for the day ahead. Plus, with a preschooler and a toddler, I need all of the energy that I can get!

I have a really bad habit of getting distracted when I should be sleeping. I find myself checking my phone, looking at the baby monitor, or getting up to do various things. To keep me focused on the task at hand (sleeping!), I decided to make myself a sleep mask. This will help me to relax, not be distracted, and to keep the sun’s early rays from waking me up too early.

How to Sew A Sleep Mask

Here’s what you will need:

  • Two coordinating pieces of fabric
  • Elastic band
  • Thread
  • Sewing Machine

You actually won’t need a whole lot of fabric for this project. If you are like me, you probably have some scrap fabric lying around that will work perfectly. I wanted something that would be soft on my face and I had some scrap minky fabric as well as some coordinating cotton fabric that I decided to use. You can also use fabric such as fleece or flannel.

twolayersI began by printing out the sleep mask pattern which I’ve made available HERE. After printing out the pattern, cut it out, and trace the pattern onto the fabric using a fabric pen. Then cut out the pieces of fabric.

You will want to thread your sewing machine with a coordinating thread color (I chose pink). With the right sides of the fabric facing each other, stitch around the edges leaving about an inch space on each side to attach the elastic band.

layerssewntogetherAfter stitching around the edges (except for those two spots), turn the mask so that it is right-side-out.


Slide the edge of the elastic band into the slit and stitch it closed. Backstitch over the area where the elastic band attaches in order to keep it more secure. Do this for both sides.

Now you have a soft and practical sleep mask!

These masks are great not only for sleeping, but they are also perfect for travel or even to hold an ice pack on your face if you have a headache.

One of the other things that often keeps me from getting a good night’s sleep is congestion and mouth breathing. I will mouth breathe — which inevitably leads to a restless night’s sleep.

In fact, this year at the beach, I shared a room with my sister and my younger son. Apparently, I had so many issues with my mouth breathing that it disturbed sleep for both of them. How embarrassing!

breatherightstripsI knew that I needed a solution so that everyone could get a better night’s sleep on that trip. That’s why I picked up some Breathe® Right Nasal Strips at Walmart.

These nasal strips are ideal to combat nasal congestion and mouth breathing. In fact, they are perfect for use with colds or allergies. They work by lifting your nasal passage and opening your nose up to 38%* more to help you breathe — and sleep — better! (*versus decongestant sprays alone). Plus, they are drug-free.

(Note: This is a Breathe Right created video showing how/where to apply)

All you have to do to use them is clean the area where you want to adhere the nasal strip, remove the liner and place the strip on nose so the tabs cover the part of your nostrils that flare, and press down and rub gently to secure the ends. It’s that simple! To remove them in the morning, simply wash your face as normal and remove. They come right off!

What is great is that Breathe Right® Nasal Strips are available in a variety of options such as calming scents or designed for sensitive skin. I personally like the Extra Tan and Extra Clear varieties. The Extra Tan has the strongest adhesive, while the Extra Clear is perfect for sensitive skin.

So you might be wondering how the rest of the vacation went. After purchasing the Breathe Right® Nasal Strips, I slept much better (without mouth breathing!) which ultimately allowed my sister and my son to have a much more peaceful night’s sleep.

storepictureYou can pick up Breathe Right® Nasal Strips in the pharmacy section of your local Walmart. You can also get a free sample and/or a $1 coupon for Breathe Right® Nasal Strips.

Comment On: Do you suffer from mouth breathing? Do you have an embarrassing story like my beach one?

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  1. I was actually thinking about buying a new sleep mask!My other one is not in the best condition. Your handmade sleep masks are simple to make and useful. Thanks for sharing.

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