Do you remember having a Corn Popper when you were young? Or how about a Chatter Telephone? Barnyard toys? Well, now Fisher Price has made some of these classic toys into super-cute games for toddlers. I had the opportunity to try out some of these games recently and I was really interested to see how E would do with them.
I tried out the Corn Popper game as well as the Barnyard Bingo game. Both of these games are rated for ages 2+ and even though E just turned 2, I wasn’t sure if these games might still be a little too advanced for him.
The first game we played was the Corn Popper game (RV $20). The iconic Corn Popper toy has been redesigned as a two-in-one game that helps children learn about different shapes and colors. There are two unique games, Bingo Pop and Race ’n Chase, that allow the Corn Popper game to grow with your child.
This one was a little advanced for E, and although he understood the concept he seemed to lose interest quickly. I love the concept of the game, and I think once he gets a little bit older then he will really enjoy it. Right now though, he is more interested in the mini Corn Popper than he is the game!
Based on our experiences with the Corn Popper game, I didn’t think E would have a whole lot of patience for Barnyard Bingo (RV $15). I was completely wrong about this one! In the Barnyard Bingo game, every time your child pulls the barn door lever, a colored chip with a farm animal appears your child must match them on their bingo card. There are three separate levels of game play which allows Barnyard Bingo to grow with your child.
E was really good at this actually. He immediately figured out how to open the little door that would release the bingo chips. He then was able to sit very nicely and match up the colors and the animals on the chips to the card.
Winter months can be tough, especially when you have toddlers. With these great Fisher Price games you can not only keep your little ones entertained, but help them learn at the same time!
BUY IT: These games are available at Target, Toys R Us, and other major retailers, as well as online through Amazon.
WIN IT: Two lucky Third Stop on the Right readers will each receive one (1) Fisher Price game. Giveaway will run through 11:59 p.m. EST on January 20, 2014. Just enter through the form below.

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