I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Charmin. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation. All content and thoughts are my own.


Let’s talk toilet paper.It’s one of those things that people don’t talk about but everyone uses — well, at least I hope they do. It’s as if its the bathroom’s dirty little secret, but in fact toilet paper is the one thing meant to keep you clean.

So here’s the situation, you are at the store and you are buying toilet paper. You can go with the cheap no-name brand or you could use Charmin. It really should be an easy choice.

When it comes to summer entertaining you want your guests to remember the awesome party you threw, not the cheap toilet paper and clogged toilets. These are two things that you don’t have to worry about with Charmin. Not only is Charmin soft, but Charmin also has Roto-Rooter’s stamp of approval for being clog-free and septic-safe.

The problem with those cheap brands is that even though they may cost less initially, it takes two (or even three) times as must paper in order to get clean. So not only are you flushing money down the toilet (literally), but you are also putting your pipes in danger of getting clogged.

It doesn’t help also that we have a toddler who doesn’t know the meaning of moderation when it comes to using toilet paper. For some reason, he seems to feel that he needs to fill the whole bowl with toilet paper in order to get clean.

When we have summer get-togethers, we are often hosting 10 to 15 guests of all different ages. We only have one downstairs bathroom and it doesn’t have one of those new toilets where you can flush something crazy like 20 golf balls at once. Nope, we just have a regular, old toilet. That means I’m always worried that it will clog. 

Trust me, I would much rather be spending time with my family and friends instead of having to dig out the plunger and unclog the toilet. Not only is it time-consuming but it’s also gross. 

YouTube video
So this summer, when you are in that toilet paper isle do your whole family (as well as your toilet) a favor and go with the brand that not only plumbers but also Roto-Rooter trusts.



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