“I participated in a sponsored campaign on behalf of BackJoy. I received compensation, but all opinions are my own.”


Since you were young you have probably heard people telling you how important good posture is. You’ve been told to keep your back straight, shoulders back, and hips upright. No matter how silly you might have thought that advice at the time, having correct posture really can make a difference in your back.

Back when I worked full time at a desk my back, neck, and shoulders hurt all the time. When I went to bed at night my back would just ache. Now that I am a stay at home mom, I still suffer from back problems. There probably doesn’t seem to be a lot in common between the two jobs, except for the fact that at both jobs I wasn’t treating my back right.

Small actions, one day at a time, can have lasting, positive changes…and better posture will help you breathe better, lower stress hormones, build confidence and achieve greater focus and energy—not to mention you’ll have less back pain! It is because of this epidemic of bad posture that BackJoy has launched the “Posture Pledge” celebration. Through the month of May, BackJoy is celebrating the many benefits of good posture.

BackJoy has developed a list of ways to help improve your posture. From improving how you sit at work, to incorporating core exercise muscles into your workout routine, no action is too small! Just choose one of the tips below and take the pledge.

  1. Improve sitting posture at work
  2. Ditch the heels and invest in “zero drop” shoes
  3. Sleep on your side or back instead of your stomach
  4. Be conscious of “technology posture” and “text neck” – The 3 T’s Texting, Tablet, TV (Gaming)
  5. Incorporate core exercises into your workout routine
  6. When you lift heavy things (weights, boxes, kids), bend at the knees, not the back
  7. Tell your mom “thanks”! She was right — sit and stand up straight
  8. Consult with a posture professional (PT, chiropractor, ergonomist)
  9. Stretch—do pilates, yoga, or swimming
  10. Eat healthy and watch your weight

As a reward for taking the pledge to improve your posture, the first 500 people who participate in the #PosturePledge celebration will receive a FREE SitSmart Posture Plus ($40.00 retail value), BackJoy‘s signature product that automatically tilts, cups and floats the pelvis upright to engage core muscles and help you find your most balanced and comfortable posture!

In addition to the SitSmart, you can also have a chance at winner the grand prize! Tweet or post pictures of how your pledge is going using #PosturePledge to Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. Each time you post or tweet about the #PosturePledge, you’ll receive an additional entry to win BackJoy’s grand prize. One winner will be awarded BackJoy’s grand prize. The grand prize includes: one pair of BackJoy StandRight Bliss shoes in your size, one SleepSound pillow, and one PostureWear Elite shirt.

To read more about BackJoy’s Posture Pledge tips, including on creating an ergonomic work station, check out the BackJoy website.


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  1. Good post. I too had suffered from back problems due to the ignorance about this issue. The points you mentioned here are worthy of sharing,

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