This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #ProtectFromPetMess #SeasonalSolutions #CollectiveBias

Adopting a pet is exciting. You’re bringing home a whole new family member who will hopefully be with you for years to come. It’s a big step!

I remember when I adopted my cat, Tango. I was in college and he was my first pet outside of the family pets. My boyfriend and I went to the local animal shelter where he helped me pick out the cat. When I found the perfect one, I filled out the paperwork and they sent me on my way. The only problem was that I felt completely unprepared for a pet!

Basically, I then went to our local pet store and bought everything that I thought could be a necessity, including the food and water bowls, toys, food, treats, and litter. I wasn’t sure of all that I needed so I pretty much just bought everything I could think of. I think this is a problem that many new pet owners experience.

Pet adoption is so important, especially since there are so many animals that need homes. The problem is that it can be overwhelming, especially if it is your first pet. I thought that it would be a great incentive to make up some pet care baskets to donate to our local humane society.

These baskets would be perfect to place on a table at an adoption event and could then be given to individuals who adopt a pet or even used as a raffle for individuals at events.

Creating a Pet Care Basket

I still remember standing there in the pet store, feeling totally clueless when it came to what I needed. This basket makes it so much easier. I filled it with some of the essentials someone who is adopting a cat would need, including:

  • Cat food
  • Cat treats
  • Food bowl
  • Litter scoop
  • Toys
  • STAINMASTER®™ Carpet Pet Stain Remover

While many of the things in the basket are things that are pretty obvious to a new pet owner, the STAINMASTER®™ Carpet Pet Stain Remover is something that is essential for anyone who has pets.

Want to check out STAINMASTER Carpet Pet Stain Remover for yourself? Hover over the above picture to click through to to buy it!

While I still have Tango, I have added a some other ones over the years and needless to say whether you have one cat or three, they make a lot of messes!

Although you and your pet may be a perfect match, your pet and your carpet aren’t always such a perfect match. Whether it is urine, vomit, feces, or soil, carpets have seen it all. This doesn’t include everyday stains such as coffee, grape juice, chocolate, ketchup, or a variety of other things.

This is why it is essential to have STAINMASTER Carpet Pet Stain Remover. With STAINMASTER’s new technology, carpets are cleaned on contact and actually repel dirt to prevent recoiling (this is huge!). Plus, the ODOR REMOVE® technology starts to eliminate odors within minutes.

The product is easy to use too. All you have to do is:

  • SPRAY: Spray the product directly onto the stain and in generous amounts.
  • WAIT: Allow the solution to sit for 3 to 5 minutes in order to allow it to penetrate the stain.
  • BLOT: Dampen a cloth with water and blot the spot. Repeat the process as needed to remove the stain.

In order to receive best results you should treat the stain immediately. The product should also be used on stain resistant, nylon, polyester, and polypropylene color-fast carpets and rugs. It is not recommended for upholstery, handmade, viscose, natural fibers (including wool and cotton), oriental, antique, or bath rugs.

I really love how this product works, and not only works but also helps to protect from future stains. Because, honestly, with two kids and two cats it’s not a matter of if stains will happen, but when.

It is especially great during this time of the year when things tend to be damp and muddy outside. Whether it is after playing the leaves or out at the pumpkin patch, mud seems to be everywhere. I have cream colored carpets (mistake!) that seems to attract any mud and dirt that the kids and pets bring in. At least with this stain remover I know that it will be able to handle the mess.

You can purchase STAINMASTER Carpet Pet Stain Remover in the cleaning aisle of your local Target. This will not only make your carpets happy but will also allow you to fully enjoy your pet! To find more cleaning solutions, as well as ideas for making the most of your new pet, visit the STAINMASTER Social Hub.

Comment On: What are some essentials that you would recommend to any new pet owner?


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One Comment

  1. I remember the first time I got a puppy as an adult and I, too, was walking around the pet store kind of clueless buying anything I thought I needed. And wouldn’t you know, I didn’t think to pick up a stain remover for my new puppy! I certainly could have used it. 🙂 What a useful pet care basket! #client

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