Saving on Baby Formula

When it comes to newborns, breastfeeding is best. In fact, if its possible, you should breastfeed until your baby is a year old. Unfortunately, for some moms breastfeeding at all, let alone a year, just isn’t possible. It might be because mom is taking certain medications, mom has had breast surgery, baby can’t/won’t latch, or even (and most people don’t even consider this) mom because a parent through adoption.

This was my situation. Because of some of my medical issues, combined with E’s inability to latch correctly, I had to go the formula route.

Feeding of the kid

Formula is expensive though — very expensive. This doesn’t mean it need to break the band though. In order to help save you some money, I have compiled a list of five tips to help save on formula.

Sign up with all of the formula companies. It doesn’t matter whether you plan to use Enfamil, Similac, Gerber, or some other brand, because once baby arrives he may end up preferring one brand over another.

If you sign up with all of the companies ahead of time, then you will have samples on hand to experiment with what brands and what variations work best. You will also receive lots of coupons in the mail. Trust me, the coupons can add up! Also, if you can’t use the coupons from a certain brand you can always swap with a friend or donate them.

Ask for samples. Before your baby is born you can ask your OBGYN if they have any formula samples in the office. Often, formula companies will send sample cans and gift sets to the OBGYN’s offices so they can be offered to patients. If you don’t see it sitting out, as your doctor.

The same sort of gift packs that are at the OBGYN’s offices should also be available at the hospital you deliver at. When I was pregnant with E I planned to breastfeed so I didn’t get any formula samples at my doctors’ office. Once I delivered and realized that breastfeeding wasn’t working I asked the nurse for some formula samples. She was able to give me a bag with several formula options that I could try at home.

The third place to ask for samples is at the pediatrician’s office. At this point you will probably have decided on a brand that works for you and your baby, so each time you go to the office, ask if they have any samples and they should be able to give you several cans.

Similac Value Container

Buy in bulk. If you have settled on a formula that you want to use, then you might want to consider buying formula in bulk. Instead of buying formula in the standard size container which equals out to about $0.15/oz, if you purchase the larger Sam’s Club version it equals out to about $0.12/oz. It may not seem like much, but when you consider the thousands of ounces of formula that you will use, those pennies add up.

Also, keep your eye out for store promotions. Sometimes, Target will offer a $10 gift card when you buy two containers of formula, or CVS will offer Extra Care Bucks when you spend a certain amount in formula. If you don’t have a club membership, this may be the way to go. You may as well get something back when you were going to be buying the formula anyway.

Buy generic. When babies are newborns they tend to have very sensitive stomachs. This means that they may need to use the sensitive or gentle versions of formula. However, once babies get a little older, they can often handle regular formulas. As this point, if you baby can tolerate it, you could consider transitioning you baby to a generic store brand instead of the brand name formula. The store brands often cost significantly less than the name brands so it will help save you some money.

Ask friends. It never hurts to advertise that you are formula feeding and ask if anyone has any unused formula samples. Obviously not everyone who formula feeds settles on the same formula. This means that if you settle on Similac and your friend uses Enfamil, you could always trade your unused Enfamil samples and coupons for her Similac.

If you don’t know of anyone to trade with you can always check out some online swap groups or even consider donating the samples to a pregnancy center, a church, or even a food pantry!

No matter how you choose to feed your baby, there are always ways to save money. Be creative, and remember that no matter how small the saving are, they always add up!

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