Bible in a Year

It is now 2014. Can you believe it? Lots of people have been making New Year resolutions such as losing weight, quitting smoking, and eating healthier, but what about reading through the Bible?

Reading through the Bible is something that I have always wanted to do, but it always seemed so intimidating. Especially the Old Testament. Where do you even start?

The new Bible in a Year from Tommy Nelson is designed to help kids read through the Bible in a single year. The daily readings include selections from both the Old and New Testaments as well as Psalms and Proverbs. Also included are full-color maps, pages to personalize, top memory verses, and key Bible teachings.

Even though this is a book that is designed for children, it is still a great resource for for adults. I know that there are a lot of valuable teaching in the Bible, teachings that go beyond the verses we hear at church. But not having read throughout the Bible myself, I am missing out on this valuable information. By taking on the task of reading through the Bible in small pieces it makes it much more manageable.

The Bible is the same for both children and adults so why not read a version that might be easier to understand and will help you tick to your goal?

There are a lot of resolutions that you can make this year, but why not commit to one that will change your life — for eternity?

If you are wanting to join me on this journey you can purchase the Bible in a Year through Amazon. In addition, one lucky Third Stop on the Right reader will win a copy of the book! The contest will run through 11:59 p.m. EST on January 16, 2014. Just enter through the form below!


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  1. A few years ago, I read through the Bible–front to back! I always read bits and pieces, but never continuously through. I used (There are several reading plans on the site, and passages can be emailed to you.) Right now, I’m listening to the Bible on CD, but want to read the Amplified version in 2014. I used to feel intimidated but now know that a page a day is better than nothing at all, and sooner or later you will reach Revelations!

    I’m going to check this plan out & enter!

  2. im not sure about commenting about a phone but i like the FoneDeco Answering System with Caller ID/Call Waiting* . I really like how this bible helps kids to read it and understand it better.

    1. Haha. Can I blame my preggo brain? I was trying to save time by copying another giveaway I am doing and I guess I forgot to change what to comment on. Sorry about that!

  3. Instead of “change,” my New Year’s resolutions are about growth. I have experienced quite a bit over the last few years and have reached the lowest point in my life emotionally. I have a world of opportunities in front of me and I intend to take a deep look inside myself to determine what’s been holding me back, and I plan to move forward with a better attitude than I’ve had over the past few years. I know its vague, but it just covers so many aspects of my life that its hard to narrow it down to just one particular thing. Besides, a vague resolution is harder to break than one that is specific… 😉

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