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TapeDecopage_titleIts that time of the year again. The time when kids and parents are hitting the stores looking for supplies, clothes, and whatever other necessities the kids need. I’ve always viewed back to school as a way to get new clothes and supplies, all which reflect my personal style, and if it wasn’t something I could buy I would just decorate it to be that way.

The items that my friends and I would decorate most often were book covers and notebooks. We’d attach magazine clippings to them as well as write and doodle all over them. Even to this day, I still tend to decorate my notebooks although I’ve found some more creative ways to do it.

One of these ways is to make decoupage with Scotch® Magic™ Tape. This is really so easy that I’m not sure why I hadn’t thought of it before! 

Here is what you will need:

  • Scotch® Magic™ Tape
  • Notebook, binder, or book cover
  • Old books or magazines
  • Scotch® masking tape

You can use either old books, or magazines for this. If you are wanting to do just words then you will want to go with the magazines but if you are looking for more of an old-fashioned look, then you can use passages from the books. Whatever you decide is up to you, however, this process tends to be slightly easier with the books.

Scotch Tape DecopageFind the words that you are wanting to use. In this example, I chose the phrase “look hot tonight BOLD” that I found in a magazine. I then pressed the Scotch® Magic™ Tape over the words I wanted to lift up. Especially with a magazine, you will want to make sure that you press hard since these words are a little harder to lift. If you are using a book it won’t take as much effort.

TapeDecopage2Use your nail to lift a corner of the tape, and slowly pull it off of the letters.

TapeDecopage3You want it to just pull the type off of the page and not the entire paper so it has a bit of a ghost effect. However, if the page rips that’s ok too. This is an old magazine, remember?

TapeDecopage4After removing the tape from the book or magazine then, take it and press it onto the notebook or book cover. Keep doing this with different words, phrases, and whatever else you want until you have filled the entire space that you want to decorate.

TapeDecopage5I also decorated the notebook with some Scotch® masking tape. Additionally, I used a Scotch® Tape Dispenser (which comes with a roll 3/4″ in x 350″ Scotch® Tape) makes the project much easier. Once you are done you will have a notebook or book cover that totally fits your personality. Plus, you can use this technique for other things such as scrapbooking and mixed media. 

unnamed-48You can pick up a selection of great Scotch® Brand products including Magic™ Tape and Post-it® Notes in the office supply section of your local Walmart. Additionally, during Back-to-School, you can find Scotch® Brand products in the special Back-to-School section. These products are sure to make your back-to-school gear as unique as you are!

Comment On: What are some of the ways that you can use Scotch® Magic™ Tape decoupage technique to decorate your back-to-school items?

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