I recently partnered with McDonald’s to experience their All Day Breakfast. Although I was compensated for attending the event and writing this post, all opinions are strictly my own. #AllDayBreakfast

McDonalds_TitleI love breakfast foods. As in, it’s not unheard of for me to want eggs, pancakes, and hash browns for dinner. Yep, that kind of liking breakfast. Well, for breakfast-lovers such as myself, I have exciting news. Now when you aching for eggs, your hankering for hash browns, or even your passion for pancakes hits there is an easy fix. McDonald’s is now serving All Day Breakfast!

McDonald’s officially introduced The Egg McMuffin in 1975 and officially added breakfast to the menu in 1977. Since then, Americans have fallen in love with the McDonald’s breakfast. So much so that when someone eats breakfast breakfast outside of the home, one in four people choose McDonald’s for that breakfast? Twenty-five percent of Americans choose McDonald’s over any other restaurant. That’s pretty big.

Since then people have been clamoring for McDonald’s to introduce an All Day Breakfast. This year, McDonald’s obliged and on October 6, the All Day Breakfast was born.

Recently, I had the opportunity to visit a Pittsburgh-area McDonald’s location for an Open Doors Tour. This means I was actually able to go behind the scenes into a McDonald’s kitchen and see exactly how the magic happens. In the process I learned some really interesting facts about not only the McDonald’s All Day Breakfast but about McDonald’s in general.

No more 10:30 rush. 

In the past, breakfast ended at 10:30. This means that you could find yourself rushing to McDonald’s only to find that the menu board has already switched from Egg McMuffin to Big Mac. Talk about disappointing. However, with the new All Day Breakfast, all of McDonald’s most popular breakfast items including egg sandwiches, hotcakes, parfaits, oatmeal, hash browns, and breakfast burritos are available all day long! 

The downside is that stores, based on the market, will either have muffins or biscuits but not both. This means that stores up north tend to favor muffins while the southern stores favor biscuits.

It’s not fast food, but food served fast.

McMuffin_IngredientsFor decades, McDonald’s has been thought of as fast food. While you can still get your food served quickly, McDonald’s is trying to shed the fast food stereotype. In addition to posting calorie counts on the menu board (McDonald’s is one of the first to do so), McDonald’s has been trying to create quality meals using healthier ingredients.

For example, The Egg McMuffin is made with a freshly toasted English muffin with real butter, topped with extra lean Canadian bacon, and a slice of melty American cheese. Even the Happy Meals have at least one and a half servings of each food group in them.

McDonalds_Egg_McMuffinBut you say: Rachel, those eggs in the Egg McMuffin can’t be real since they are perfectly round! The truth is that they are real. I actually had the opportunity to see one made. They get that perfectly round shape because they crack a Grade A egg into an egg ring right on the grill!

McDonald’s is investing in sustainable ingredients.

McDonalds_Quality_IngredientsIt is everyone’s responsibility to be good stewards of the environment. This includes large corporations. McDonald’s is no exception. McDonald’s only uses the finest of ingredients including USDA inspected, 100% pure beed that is free from fillers or additives. The chickens are raised without antibiotics important to human medicine which helps keep chickens and humans healthy.

Speaking of chickens, several of McDonald’s supplies are already using cage-free eggs and within the next 1o years all of McDonald’s eggs will be cage-free. Additionally, 100% of all of McDonald’s espresso beans are rainforest certified. 

I am so glad that McDonald’s has been making these changes, because in addition to loving breakfast, my family also loves McDonald’s. These changes have not only made the meals more nutritionally sound, but I don’t have to worry about what the effects might be on the environment. 

It’s giveaway time!

So what is better than eating McDonald’s All Day Breakfast? Winning it, of course! Courtesy of McDonald’s, I get to give away a fantastic All Day Breakfast prize package which includes a McDonald’s All Day Breakfast apron, sleep mask, coffee mug, coupons for free coffee, coupons for free breakfast items, and stickers! The giveaway runs through 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, November 15, 2015. Just enter through the form below!

So all that is left, what are you going to be ordering for your breakfast — at dinner?

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  1. I do love me some Egg McMuffins — theyr’e not only tasty, but easy to eat in the car. Looking forward to being able to occasionally get one on weekend afternoons when I’m running around doing errands..

  2. I love the sausage mcmuffin, however, they are probably only serving the sausage biscuits here! I like those too though!

  3. I like the classic Egg McMuffin. The flavors are great and the calories and carbs are right in line with my diet. Thanks for the chance.

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