
I really don’t like spending money on things that I don’t need to spend money on. Makeup remover is one of those things. It also never failed that whenever I would need to buy more makeup remover I would forget it.

So, one day after (again) running out of makeup remover, I decided to try and do it myself. It was actually surprisingly easy, and only cost pennies to make. It has been over a year since I have bought makeup remover at the store, and I have probably saved over $50.

You will only need a few supplies and ingredients to make the makeup remover. First of all you will need water, some sort of bottle to put the formula in, baby shampoo, and baby oil. For mine, I used Burt’s Bees Baby Bee products just because 1) I had them on hand and 2) Burt’s Bees products are natural and vegan. You can use Johnson’s or any other baby products though.

DIY Makeup Remover Water

You first step is to add one (1) cup of water to the spray bottle that you would like to keep the solution in. I had one of these bottles laying around but you can also get them at stores like Target or Walmart.

DIY Makeup Remover Baby Oil

After you have the water in the bottle, next you need to add 1/8 of a teaspoon of baby oil to the water.

DIY Makeup Remover Shampoo

Next, add 1/2 teaspoon of baby shampoo to the water and oil.

DIY Makeup Remover

Put the sprayer back into the bottle and shake well. You are finished!

This recipe is great because it literally costs less than a dollar to make and will last for months. It really works and is gentle on your skin at the same time. I know because I have really sensitive skin also, and often the scents and chemicals in other makeup removers would irritate my skin. Now, I just take some of this solution, spray it on a cotton makeup pad and it takes the makeup right off! Also, there is no need to worry about how much you are spraying onto the pad because the solution is so cheap to make!

For more great money-saving ideas, check out the Saving Money section of the blog.

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