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PotatoSaladIf you have ever been to a picnic or a party, I’m pretty sure that you must have eaten potato salad. Actually, I’m pretty sure that there isn’t anyone who hasn’t had potato salad! What’s neat is that there isn’t only one way to make a potato salad, and different cultures have different twists on this popular dish. Here is the United States, the most popular version of potato salad is one which is made with potatoes, celery, hard eggs, mayonnaise and pickles. In most cases we see White Rose potatoes used. They are waxy and can hold shape when cooked. They do not become crumbly as some other potatoes do. You would only want to use options like the Russet potatoes in the event that you want something similar to a mashed potato taste. 

In addition to the variety that we are most familiar with here in the United States, there are also sorts of potato salad varieties that are popular in other cultures. You can easily go here to see some popular recipes for potato salads and start your research for the one that you like the most. Some examples of these other varieties are German Style salads, American Potato salads, Northern Midwestern salads and Mexican potato salads, which include jalapenos. 

The most common of the potato salads made in the US uses White Rose potatoes. The addition of chopped eggs, minced onion, celery and mayonnaise is common, with small additions of sugar and/or cider vinegar. Mustard is added according to personal taste, together with pepper and salt. 

In most cases the potatoes have to be cooked until they are tender, but they should never be too mushy. Once the potatoes are cool again and can be handled, cut them into bite-sized parts. The skin is usually left on while boiling in order to maintain their color. All the other ingredients are added raw. If you want something special, you could even add Thousand Island dressing. 

The German potato salad is also really popular. It is usually served warm and it includes bacon and the dressing also has bacon fat. Celery, diced onion, and bell peppers are cooked in bacon fat. In order to add to the flavor, cider vinegar is added. 

Russian potato salads include ingredients that are very similar to the US version. The only difference is the addition of beets, parsley, capers, radishes, and Russian Dressing. That offers a completely unique texture and flavor to the potato salad. 

If you want something that is even more special, you could try the Hawaiian Potato Salad. It includes seafood varieties like crabmeat and shrimp. Shredded carrots, chestunts, spinach and corn are added. 

If you love spicy food, you will want to try the Mexican potato salad. It includes different types of chili, together with shredded cheese in order to buffer the strong taste of the chili. 

On the whole, you should consider many different potato salad recipes as you never know exactly which one you will love. Have patience and simply try them all. After some time, you will find the potato salad that you or your entire family will simply love. 

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