129 Americans die by suicide each day. To put it in perspective, if 129 Americans, each day, got onto a plane and that plane was involved in a fatal crash we would all be outraged. There must be something wrong with the system we’d exclaim. The government would spare no expense to solve the problem, because after all it would be hurting the economy when people are afraid to fly. It would be talked about on every mainstream news outlet.

The reality is that this really is what is happening each day but instead of planes, it is happening at home. The real tragedy is that the media, the government, and even we stay silent and let it happen. Let’s end the stigma.


If you are reading this I’m guessing you read my story on Love What Matters. I sincerely hope that you aren’t here because you’ve lost a loved one to suicide, but if you have, please know that there is hope and that you are not alone. My email is always open if you need someone to talk to.

April 4, 2016 was a night that forever changed my life …

Suicide is today’s national epidemic and it has no end in sight. After losing my husband, the father of my children to suicide, I’ve made it my mission to educate others about the warning signs of suicide, train them on what to do when someone has suicidal ideation, and comforting those who have experienced a similar loss. 


Useful Resources:

Read more about the work I do with the Ray of Hope Suicide Awareness and Prevention Taskforce.

Current statistics about suicide in the United States from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

QPR Suicide Prevention Training


If you or someone you know is in crisis, PLEASE call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK [8255] or the text HOME to the Crisis Text Line at 741-741.