The building reportedly has “solid bones” and as recently as 2022 was being considered for renovation.

I’m always fascinated by abandoned schools. There is a certain feeling of sadness when I come across them — buildings once filled with so much life, suddenly eerily quiet.

Bulletin boards can still be seen on the walls in this photo of the red-brick school.

I was on my way home from picking up some uranium glass when I drove through Blairsville and discovered not one, but two, abandoned schools, both identified as Blairsville High School. Unfortunately, I only had time to snap pictures of one of them.

*Reminder, these buildings are on private property and, according to the signage, are monitored for trespassers. Take photos from the outside only!*

The original Blairsville high school (yellow brick building) is the predecessor to the red brick building that I was able to get photos of. This building as constructed in 1915 and served as the area’s high school until 1931 when students were moved to the new, larger school. The yellow brick school was then converted to an elementary school and was known as Third Ward Elementary.

A door that once welcomed students now sits silent.

The red brick high school opened for students in 1931 and served for 32 years until 1962 when it was converted to the junior high. It served as the junior high until 1993 when the River Valley High School was built.

The Future of Blairsville’s Former Schools

Inside the red-brick building, the building is covered with peeling paint, but the hardwood floors still exist and the building is described has having “solid bones.” Also housed in the building are an auditorium, gymnasium, and cafeteria.

If you look closely at the windows you can see the building’s wooden doors and wooden cabinetry.

As recently as 2022, discussions were underway to restore the old building, although when I stopped to take pictures, it didn’t appear much had been done.

Unfortunately, it seems that if action isn’t taken soon, both buildings are in danger. In 2023, while assessing the yellow brick building for demolition, two workers fell three stories through the roof, killing one and severely injuring the other (another reason to stay out of abandoned buildings!). According to news articles, the building has large holes in the roof and missing windows. Tattered curtains on the upper floors are a reminder of its days as an apartment building and a faded sign outside advertises a defunct tattoo shop.

Hopefully, the preservation efforts for the red-brick school will prevail as unique buildings such as this one are quickly disappearing.

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