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What is the true cost of raising a child?

Raising a baby is expensive. Most people who decided to bring a new life into the world don’t seem to realize how expensive this endeavor actually is. I recently found an info graphic that breaks down just how expensive raising a child can be. Although this number can be daunting, the infographic also shows how much money you can save by buying secondhand.

In the past I have talked a lot about how to save on some of your baby necessities including formula, equipment, clothes, and nursery items. A lot of people think that when they are having a baby buying new is the only way to go. However, when it comes to newborns, there are a lot of ways that you can save money. 

In addition to showing how you can save money, the infographic has some fun facts such a popular names for girls and boys (in case you want something a little more unique) as well as names that are illegal (!) in certain countries. You will want to be sure to steer clear of those ones.

Don’t be put off by the numbers, though. Having a child is one of life’s most rewarding experiences. You have to be informed. There is no reason to go into debt in order to have a child, but there are ways to offer your child the life they deserve while still having money left in the bank. 

How much does it cost to raise a kid?
How much does it cost to raise a kid? is an infographic that was produced by Gumtree

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